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Enabling or disabling auto-refresh for an InForm Adapter

You can enable or disable the auto-refresh option for adapters. If you enable the option, the page automatically refreshes based on the value entered for the auto-refresh rate.

Note: Depending on the auto-refresh rate and your environment, selecting Auto-refresh might impact the performance of the application.

For more information, see Setting a home page and auto-refresh rate.

  1. Select Admin > InForm.

    If multiple adapters are installed, the Adapter List page appears. Click the row of the adapter you want to view and manage. The Adapter tab of the InForm Admin Adapter page appears.


    If only one adapter is installed, the Adapter tab of the InForm Admin Adapter page appears.

  2. To enable or disable auto refresh, select one of the following:
    • To automatically refresh the page at the configured rate, select Auto-refresh.
    • To specify that the page refreshes manually, deselect Auto-refresh (the default).
  3. Click Save.
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