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Mapping date time controls—Principles

How CIS synchronizes date time data to Clintrial database columns depends on how you define the controls and how you define the mappings for the controls in the Central Designer software.

The combination of these specifications provides flexibility in the storage of date time data in the Clintrial database. This section describes:

The following table describes the Clintrial data types that are used for date time data.

Clintrial data types for dates



This data type holds a complete date, including month, day, and year. The DATE data type corresponds to the Oracle DATE database format.

If you map a complete InForm date time including hours, minutes, seconds to a DATE data type, CIS drops the time portion from the date time when synchronizing.


This data type holds a complete date time, including month, day, year, hour, minute, and second.

The DATETIME data type corresponds to the Oracle DATE database format.


This data type is an integer, corresponding to the Oracle NUMBER(xx) database format.


This data type is a string, corresponding to the Oracle VARCHAR2(n) database format.

When synchronizing date time data to Clintrial, CIS considers it to be complete or partial:

To ensure that CIS considers a date time control complete and synchronizes it as a single data item to a DATE or DATETIME column, you must define the control with the Required property set to “True” for all relevant date time parts:

You can map complete or partial date time controls to any of the following:

For more information, see the Central Designer guide Working with Rules and Logical Schema, in the section CIS mappings for date time items.

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