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InForm study version data pass

From the data in the current InForm study version, the CIS software generates XML definitions for the patient data study book and the objects it contains. The following table describes the XML definitions that the CIS software generates.



Study book

One patient data study book with the name CISStudyBook.


One block for each FORMSET (visit) in the InForm study version. Blocks have the following attributes:

  • The ORDER property of the FORMSET determines the order of the blocks in the study version.
  • If the visit RefName includes a double underscore (__), the block title is the text before the __ and the block key is the text after the __.
  • If the visit RefName does not include a __, both the block title and the block key are the visit RefName.
  • If the visit is repeating, the block is repeating.
  • If the visit has the type COMMONCRF, its block key and title are CommonCRF. This block is not repeating, and the CIS software adds it to the end of the study book.
  • If the visit includes a BLOCKKEY value, and the block has not been created, the CIS software adds a block to the end of the study book. The block title and key are the BLOCKKEY value. If the visit is repeating, the block is repeating.


One study page for each FORMREF (form) that has a different combination of panel and page key within a block.

Note: Master-detail pages are processed differently. For more information, see Master-detail relationship generation.

Page keys derive from one of the following:

  • If the form RefName includes a double underscore (__), the page key is the text after the __.
  • If the form includes a PAGEKEY value, the page key is the PAGEKEY value.
  • Otherwise, the page key is the form RefName.

Pages have the following attributes:

  • The page title is the same as the page key.
  • If the form is repeating, the page is repeating.

Page template

One page template for each study page. The page template has the same name as the panel.

Page section

One context page section with the name CONTEXT. The page section is not repeating. It includes a set of context items defined in the InForm mapping definition.

One patient data page section with the same name as the panel. It is not repeating unless the form has itemsets. For more information, see Itemset generation.


One item for each item in each InForm form section. For more information, see Item generation.

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