Pharmacy User - Unblinded

View the permissions included in the Pharmacy User - Unblinded template study role. This template study role is available for all studies at your organization.


You should always copy a template role and begin customizing it within the context of your study. For more information, see About predefined study roles.

Table 8-8 Permissions included in the Pharmacy User - Unblinded template study role

Category Permissions assigned

Clinical Data Collection

  • Edit Classified Subject Data Only
  • View Blinded Dispensation Details with Calculated Doses
  • View Blinded Dispensation Details without Calculated Doses
  • View Classified Subject Data Only
  • View Form Data for Subjects

Inventory Management

  • Create Manual Shipments
  • Perform Supplies Reconciliation at Site
  • Receive Shipments and Update Site Inventory
  • View Shipments to Site
  • View Site Inventory
  • View Unblinded Pharmacist Kits (Unblind)


  • Receive Notification of Shipments
  • Receive the Code Break Notification
  • Receive the Dispensation with Dosing Instructions Notification
  • Receive the Unblinded Pharmacist Dispensation Notification (Unblind)


  • Run the Blinded Chain of Custody Report
  • Run the Blinded Inventory Report
  • Run the Blinded Subject Events Dataset
  • Run the Enrollment Report
  • Run the Kit Dispensation Report
  • Run the Kit Reconciliation Report
  • Run the Order Summary Report
  • Run the Study Codelist Dataset
  • Run the Study Query Dataset
  • Run the Subject Data Report
  • Run the Subject Dataset
  • Run the Subject Events Report
  • Run the Subject Form Items Dataset
  • Run the Subject Forms Dataset
  • Run the Titration Summary Report

Study Management

  • Create Shipments to DDF