Configuring DVGs and DCI Modules

The following are configuration and generation procedures you perform at this stage of implementation:

Configuring DVGs

DVGs provide a set of named values for a Question. You associate DVGs to Questions in the DCM Questions window (from the Definition menu, select DCMs, choose DCMs, click the DCM Question Groups button, and then the DCM Questions button). Depending on how you define certain DVG attributes, the values for the DVGs display as single boxes, sets of boxes, or—during RDC Onsite data entry—as single box pull-down lists. Navigate to Glib, then Discrete Value Grps, and then Discrete Value Groups. Select the DVG in the Discrete Value Groups window and attend to the fields in the fifth row of the form. For more information, see creating-and-using-dvgs.html#GUID-8FF6357F-9A08-48EC-BDE6-B7D5965627B8__CIHJABEB.

Configuring DCI Modules' Graphic Layout Settings

The DCI Modules window has DCI Forms settings. To maintain the controls, navigate to Definition, then DCIs, choose DCIs, select the DCI, and click the DCI Modules button. On the far side of the sliding canvas, there is a group of settings that fall under the title, DCM Header Generation. See Adding DCMs to DCIs