Working with the Review Investigator Comments Page

The Review Investigator Comments page provides a list of investigator comments that you can scroll through and sort.

Each row contains the information for one investigator comment. If a CRF has more than one investigator comment, RDC Onsite lists each comment for that CRF in its own row.

The columns display the following information about each investigator comment:

  • The patient number
  • The visit name and date
  • The CRF name
  • The question and response that required an investigator comment
  • The text of the investigator comment
  • The date the comment was last modified

For more information, see:

Navigating to the Review Investigator Comments Page

To navigate to the Review Investigator Comments page, you can:

  • Use the page tabs for direct access
  • Select a custom Activities link, if available
  • Drill down to the page with a selection of patients or CRFs from the Home page, the Patient Casebooks page, or the Review CRFs page

For more information, see:

Accessing the Review Investigator Comments Page Directly

To open the Review Investigator Comments page directly:

  1. Click the Review tab, and then click the Investigator Comments tab.
  2. Expand the Search pane.
  3. Click Search to display all the CRFs that have at least one investigator comment.

Using a Custom Activities Link

The Activities section on the Home page can include a link for reviewing investigator comments. Your sponsor creates, customizes, and labels all the links in the Activities section. These links, if defined, are valuable shortcuts to your daily activities.

Activities section

When you click the Review Investigator Comments link, RDC Onsite automatically:

  • Executes the search that your sponsor defined when creating the link
  • Opens the Review Investigator Comments page
  • Lists all the investigator comments across all the patients and CRFs for the current site

Your sponsor can name the link differently.

Note that after you click a customized activities link, you always have the option to expand the Search pane and specify a different set of patients or CRFs to review.

Drilling Down to the Review Investigator Comments Page

You can drill down to the Review Investigator Comments page with a patient selection from the Home page or the Patient Casebooks page, or with a CRF selection from the Review CRFs page.

To drill down to the Review Investigator Comments page:

  1. Open the Home page, the Patient Casebooks page, or the Review CRFs page.
  2. Enter your search criteria to find the patients or CRFs for your work.
  3. Continue as follows:
    • On the Home page or Patient Casebooks page, select one or more patients. Click the Action menu, and then select Review Investigator Comments from the list.

      Action menu
    • On the Review CRFs page, select one or more CRFs. Click the Action menu, and then select Review Investigator Comments from the list.

    The Review Investigator Comments page opens and displays the investigator comments for the selected patients and CRFs.

Tools for Reviewing Investigator Comments

Use the following tools on the Review Investigator Comments page when reviewing investigator comments:

  • To sort comments by the content of a column, click a column header.
  • To show the time that the investigator comment was last modified, select the Show Timestamps check box. RDC Onsite adds the time stamp to the date in the Last Modified column.

    Show Timestamps
  • To update a comment, click the CRF icon to open the CRF in the Data Entry window.
  • To limit or expand the number of CRFs displayed on the Review Investigator Comments page, use the options in the Search pane. You can click Reset to remove the current search criteria and then re-enter a different search.