Using the Mouse, the Arrow Keys, and the Keyboard

You can make a selection from the main menu in one of these ways: with the mouse, with the arrow keys, or from the keyboard.

You navigate in most submenus with the same methods. All menu items have an underlined letter that is unique within that menu.

When a menu name is followed by a triangle pointing to the right, that menu item brings up a submenu rather than a window.

For more information, see:

With the Mouse

Oracle Clinical menus are "snap-down" not "pull-down". This means you click them, not drag.

  1. Put the cursor on the menu you want.
  2. Click the left mouse button once to highlight the item. The corresponding menu appears, with one of its items highlighted as a default.
  3. To execute the highlighted item, click the left mouse button again.
    To make another selection on the same menu, move the cursor to that item before you click. The corresponding submenu or module window appears.
  4. After you have clicked on one menu, you can navigate along the menu bar by moving the pointer. The menus dynamically display as you move off the edge of your first selection.
  5. To reach the module you want, continue along the menu path in this way. The module window opens when you have clicked the final menu-path item, the end of that branch of the menu tree.

With the Arrow Keys

  1. Press Alt and then the underlined letter of the menu you want.
    This snaps down and highlights that menu.
  2. Use the arrow keys to move between menus, which are highlighted one by one as you move the arrow keys over them.
  3. Press Enter to select the item you want, once it is highlighted.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 until you reach the window you want.

From the Keyboard

  1. Press Alt and then the underlined letter of the menu you want.
    This snaps down and highlights that menu.
  2. Press the underlined letter of the item you want.
    Repeat, if necessary, until you reach the window you want.