Application Tier Settings

This section lists the Windows registry settings used by the Oracle Clinical application tier.

It describes the settings for the each of the following:

OPA Front End

These registry variables apply across products and are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY* where * is a random number assigned to the Oracle Home. Each value is set by the Installer.

Table B-2 OPA Front End Registry Variables and Example Values

Registry Variable Example Value Description



The path that is searched to find forms.



The amount of time in elapsed minutes before the Form Services process is terminated when there is no client communication with the Form Services. To prevent the forms session's timing out due to inactivity, set the heartbeat value(defined in the formsweb.cfg file ) to less than the forms_timeout value. See article ID 549735.1 'Description List For Parameters Affect Timeout In Webforms' on My Oracle Support.



The OPA configuration name.



The URL for the Reports Queue Manager.



The top-level OPA products directory.



The Oracle Health Sciences product directory.



The full server name.



This should be set to NULL, that is, blank, to facilitate either HTTP or HTTPS operations.



The default NLS date format.



The NLS language.


frmall.jar, opaicons.jar

The names of the OPA jar files to be downloaded to the client. This is used by the OUI to coordinate between product changes to the opa54 config section in the formsweb.cfg file.



The physical mapping to the repout directory.



The virtual mapping to the repout directory.



The version of Developer.

Oracle Clinical Front End

These registry variables are located on the SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEYnumber branch of the registry. Each value is set by the Installer.

Table B-3 Oracle Clinical Front End Registry Variables and Example Values

Registry Variable Example Value Description



The Forms60 path that is searched to find forms





c:\opapps52\oc\oclxtb.dll; c:\oc\rxcde1.dll

User Exits referenced from Oracle Clinical/RDC


MS Sans Serif 1.0

Oracle Clinical default font



The Oracle Clinical top level directory



The default font for Oracle Clinical data entry field prompts and boilerplate text



The default font for response fields in Oracle Clinical data entry


f60all_jinit.jar, opaicons.jar,oclicons.jar, pharmaocjle.jar, pharmaocgle.jar, xmlcomp.jar, xmlparserv2.jar, jle2-0-3.jar

The names of the OPA JAR files



The URL to access the xmltemp directory


If forms and reports servers are on the same computers, the value should be c:\opapps52\html\rdc\temp

If forms and reports servers are on different computers, the value should be t:\html\rdc\temp (where t:\ is mapped to OPA_HOME of the server where reports server is installed)

The value that is passed to the report server that informs it how to access xmltemp.

If the forms and reports servers are on the same computer, the value is a directory.

If the forms and reports servers are on different computers, the value will be a UNC

RDC Front End

These registry variables are located on the SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEYnumber branch of the registry on the application tier server where RDC is installed.

Table B-4 RDC Front End Registry Variables and Example Values

Registry Variable Example Value Description



The path that is searched to find forms



The location of the RDC directory


\\appserver\rdc\dcif_images or c:\opapps52\html\rdc\dcif_images

The location of the RDC directory images


If the RDC installation is used by client computers other than the application server, use the fully qualified application server name.

If you plan to run the client locally on the application server computer, you can use the machine name e.g., oclw2k16.



e.g.: c:\opapps52\temp

This is a folder where temporary files are created at runtime and deleted at the end. This can be anywhere. During installation, this is set to its default value: OPA_HOME/temp.



Sets the debug level for the Pluggable Java Component (PJC). There are three options for the value:

  1. 0: no debug

  2. 1: Low debug level

  3. 2: High debug level

By default, it is set to "1" during installation.

OCN Front End

These registry variables are located on the SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEYnumber branch of the registry. Each value is set by the Installer.

Table B-5 OCN Front End Registry Variables and Example Values

Registry Variable Example Value Description



The path that is searched to find forms



The OCN Home directory

Reports Server

These registry variables are located on the SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEYnumber \HOME branch of the registry for the Reports Server installation. Each value is set by the Installer.

Table B-6 Report Server Registry Variables and Example Values

Registry Variable Example Value Description


c:\opapps52\opa, c:\opapps52\oc, c:\winnt\fonts

The path the system searches to find reports


c:\opapps52\lib\pdfappend.jar, c:\opapps52\lib\pdrgenerator.jar

The path Reports uses to find classes



The date format when running reports for Oracle Clinical/RDC with the NLS option



The Reports Server directory



The NLS language that is used when running Reports; supported values are: AL32UTF8, US7ASCII, WE8IS08859P1, or any single byte character set



The temporary directory that the system uses when you run reports.



The default grid width for the report



The top level Oracle Health Sciences products directory. This is written to both the default and the specific branches of the registry.



The default font for response fields in Oracle Clinical data entry



The default font for data entry field prompts and boilerplate text.



The font for response field data in the Patient Data Report. This variable is not created by the Installer. If you need to differentiate the field font used for the PDR from the one used for data entry, add this registry variable and set it. If not specified, the system uses the value for OC_DE_FIELDFONT.



The font for CRF header field prompts, question prompts, and boilerplate text in the Patient Data Report. This variable is not created by the Installer. If you need to differentiate the text font used for the PDR from the one used for data entry, add this registry variable and set it. If not specified, the system uses the value for OC_DE_TEXTFONT.



The location of images that are used for DCI Forms and PDR generation.


"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat_version\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe" /t

The path to the Adobe Acrobat or Reader application on the Report Server. Path must be in double-quotation marks and the "/t" must be included in the value.

Registry Keys

This section provides details about some registry keys. Use this information if it becomes necessary to modify the value of a registry key due to configuration or hardware changes.

In general, the values assigned to the keys are set by the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI), during the installation of various Oracle Health Sciences (formerly known as Oracle Pharmaceutical Application—OPA) components, based on answers you provide during the information-collection phase of the installation.

These registry keys are described in the following sections:


The value that is assigned to this key is based on the Oracle Health Sciences products that are installed on the computer. As each component is installed, the OUI appends product-specific values to the existing value. For example, if the Thesaurus Management System (TMS) is installed on a system where Oracle Clinical and RDC 5.1 are installed, the FORMS_PATH value would be:

  • c:\opapps52\opa;c:\opapps52\oc;c:\opapps52\rdc;c:\opapps52\tms

The following table lists the path string that each component contributes to the FORMS_PATH key value.

Table B-7 Product-Specific Registry Values for the FORMS_PATH Key

Product Addition to the FORMS60_PATH value

OPA Front End


Oracle Clinical Front End


RDC Front End


TMS Front End


AERS Front End



The value that is assigned to this key is based on the OPA products that are installed on the computer. As each component is installed, the OUI appends product-specific values to the existing value.


The value that is assigned to this key is the directory on the application server that Oracle Clinical uses to write temporary files during the DCI form generation process. When the Oracle Clinical client is installed, the Oracle Universal Installer sets this value to:

  • drive:\opapps52\html\rdc

The Oracle Reports server also writes files to this directory during DCI form generation.

If any reports server used for this task is located on a different computer than the application server, the directory must be shared, with read/write privileges, to the domain/account on the report server; see the "Configure the Reports Server and Forms Server for DCI Form Generation" section in the Oracle Clinical Installation Guide.

For example, if during installation you specify in the Oracle Universal Installer that there is a standalone report server, the Installer sets the value of this key to:

  • C:\appserver_hostname\rdc\temp

and requires that you share drive:\appserver_hostname\html\rdc with the share name "rdc".

If the only report server that you use to generate DCI forms is installed on the same computer as the application server, there is no need to share the xmltemp directory and the path specification can be a simple local directory name, such as,

  • C:\appserver_hostname\html\rdc\temp


The value that is assigned to this key must be a valid URL that points to the forms server directory to which Oracle Clinical writes temporary files during DCI form generation. When the Oracle Clinical client is installed, the OUI sets this value to:

  • drive:\appserver_hostnamedomain:port\html\rdc\temp

This is the same directory specified by the OPA_XMLTEMP_UNC key.

In order for the system to use this directory, it must be supported by an HTTP virtual directory that can serve files from it.

For example, if the temp directory is c:\opapps52\html\rdc\temp on myOCSever, then a virtual directory must be associated with c:\opapps52\html:

  • alias /opa54/ "c:\opapps52\html\"

This allows a URL of http://myOCServer/opa54/rdc/temp/MYFILE.pdf to resolve and serve the file, c:\opapps52\html\rdc\temp\MYFILE.pdf.


The value that is assigned to this key must be the path specification of the directory in which image files that are referenced in DCI forms are found; see Setting Up Image Viewing. However, the Patient Data Report generation subsystem uses its own registry variable to locate the path to the directory.

When the Oracle Clinical client is installed, the Installer sets this value to:

  • OPA_HOME\html\rdc\dcif_images\crfimages

In a manner similar to OPA_XMLTEMP_UNC, the dcif_images directory specification must be one that can be resolved by any reports server that generates DCI forms.

If the only report server that you use to generate DCI forms co-exists on the same computer with the forms server, there is no need to share the images directory and the path specification can be a simple local directory name, such as, c:\opapps52\html\rdc\dcif_images\crfimages.

If any reports server used for DCI forms generation is located on a different computer than the forms server, then:

  • The path specification used for the value of RDC_DCIF_IMAGES must use the UNC format.

  • The forms server images directory must be shared, so it can be accessed from other computers.

  • The domain/account_used_to_set_up_the_Reports_Server must have read/write privileges on the shared forms server directory.

For example, if, during initial installation, you reply to the Installer that there is a standalone report server, the Installer sets this the value of this key to:

  • \\appserver\rdc\dcif_images

and requires that you share drive:\opapps52\html\rdc with the share name "rdc".


If the Patient Data Report generation process cannot locate the path to the dcif_images directory, each CRF that contains an image in its layout is not printed in the report.


The value assigned to this key regulates the font size of response values that are typed in response fields and displayed in data entry windows. This registry key is set as part of the Oracle Clinical Front End installation and the Oracle Clinical Report Server installation in the SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEYnumber branch.

The default value is Arial.8.


The value assigned to this key regulates the font size of the question prompts and boilerplate text in data entry windows. This registry key is present in:

  • the SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEYnumber branch, where it is set as part of the Oracle Clinical Front End installation

  • the SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEYnumber\DatabaseServer branch, where it is set as part of the Oracle Clinical Report Server installation

The default value in both locations is Arial.8. If you change the value in one location, change it in the other too.

If you want PDRs to look the same as the CRFs that are displayed in data entry windows, the value for both keys must be identical.


The value assigned to this key determines the location of the Adobe Acrobat or Reader executable, which allows users to run PDF patient data reports with "PRINTER" specified as the output type. This value must be in the form:

"<acrobat-reader_path>" /t

Note that the double-quotation marks around the path and the "/t" switch are required. A typical example of a value is:

"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe" /t 

In addition to setting this key correctly, ensure that the Adobe Acrobat or Reader application is running on the Reports Server prior to users initiating this type of report job, that is, a job that specifies the output type as "PRINTER".

Online Help

These registry variables are located on the SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEYnumber branch of the registry. Each value is set by the Installer.

Table B-8 Xhelp Registry Variables and Example Values

Registry Variable Example Value Description



The URL for standard online help and documentation location



The URL for custom online help and documentation



The location of the online help directories