Setting Up Image Viewing

You may need to include your company logo or medical diagrams in Patient Data Reports (PDRs) or CRFs. Beginning in Oracle Clinical 5.0, there is a single directory for images used as follows:

  • Oracle Clinical Reports Server looks for images for the Patient Data Report and the Layout Editor PDF Preview feature

  • Oracle Clinical Layout Editor also looks for images used in CRFs in the HTML Preview feature

  • RDC Onsite looks for images displayed in CRFs during data entry in RDC Onsite

For more information, see:

Put Images in dcif_images Directory

You must place all the images required for image viewing in these three features in the crfimages directory, which is created during installation by the Installer in OPA_HOME\html\rdc\dcif_images. By default, OPA_HOME is opapps54.

Sharing the Images Directory

If the only report server that you use to generate DCI forms co-exists on the same computer with the forms server, there is no need to share the images directory and the path specification can be a simple local directory name, such as, c:\opapps54\html\rdc\dcif_images\crfimages.

If any reports server used for DCI forms generation is located on a different computer than the forms server, then:

  • The path specification used for the value of RDC_DCIF_IMAGES must use the UNC format.

  • The forms server images directory must be shared, so it can be accessed from other computers.

  • The domain/account_used_to_set_up_the_Reports_Server must have read/write privileges on the shared forms server directory.

For example, if, during initial installation, you reply to the Installer that there is a standalone report server, the Installer sets this the value of this key to:

  • \\appserver\rdc\dcif_images

and requires that you share drive:\opapps54\html\rdc with the share name "rdc".

Automatic Setup During Installation

The Installer automatically does the following:

  • Creates the dcif_images directory in OPA_HOME\html\rdc
  • Enters the dcif_images directory location in the with key as crf_images_path.
  • Enters the crfimages alias location as the dcif_images directory's location in the opa54_httpd.conf file found in Middleware_Home\Oracle_Home_FR\user_projects\domains\FRdomain\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\ohs1\moduleconf.
  • Places the properties files in the OPA_HOME/config directory.
  • Populates all registry variable values required for image viewing, including:
    • OPA_CONFIG_FOLDER, which contains the full path of the config directory
    • HTML_DCIF_IMAGES_URL, which must have the same value as RDC_DCIF_IMAGES_URL

Changing the Images Directory Location

Oracle recommends using the default location. You can change it but you must change each thing the Installer does automatically.


The Patient Data Report template generation process fails if the report server cannot locate the path to the dcif_images directory and the image file for each each CRF that contains an image in its layout.