3 Customizing with RDC Configurations


Throughout this document you will see reference to the directory C:\opapps54. In OC RDC 5.4 implementations whereby a fresh/new Middle Tier Server is deployed, this directory is correct as stated, however for OC RDC 5.4 environments whereby the Middle Tier Server was historically part of an OC RDC 5.2.x application environment, and this Server was retained as part of the application upgrade to OC RDC 5.4, then in all scenarios this document states C:\opapps54, the alternate value C:\opapps52 should be used in its place.

A configuration is a collection of settings that customizes certain features in the RDC application. For example, the configuration settings let you hide the group verify option, customize the Links label, and set the default highlighting scheme for the Data Entry window.

Using the RDC Administration application, you create a configuration, define its settings, and then assign the configuration to one or more users. When a user logs in to the application, RDC checks the assignments and loads the correct configuration for that user.

Configurations give you the power to make features available depending on users, the studies they access, and their user role.

For more information, see: