Defining a Link for CRF Help

You can configure one link for CRF Help. If you configure this link, RDC automatically adds the CRF Help icon to the toolbar in the Data Entry window.

CRF Help icon

Clicking the icon opens a new browser window to the link's target location and displays sponsor-defined help for the current CRF.

The link for CRF Help has a scope of CRF. The link can be static or dynamic.

To configure a link for CRF Help:

  1. Log in to the RDC Administration application.
  2. Select Maintain, and then select Links.
  3. Insert or modify a row in the Maintain Links form to have these settings:
    • Seq# — Not relevant because you can define only one link for CRF Help.
    • Link Text — Not relevant because RDC adds the CRF Help icon to the toolbar.
    • URL — Enter the URL if you are defining a static link; enter the name of the function if you are defining a dynamic link.
    • Type — Select either Static or Dynamic. (See Specifying the Type of Link for more information.)
    • Scope — Select CRF.
    • Use PT/CRF Link in Onsite — Enable this check box. You can select only one row for a CRF link.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Create a target Web page or JavaServer page referred to by the static URL, or the dynamic return value of the function you specified.

For more information, see:

Parameters for a CRF Help Link

Use scope type CRF to create a link to the CRF Help.

  • For a static link of scope CRF, RDC appends the following parameter values from the user's session to the URL:

    ?userid=userid&user_role=user_role&test_prod=test_prod &study_id=study_id&study=study&site_id=site_id&site=site &patient_id=patient_id&patient=patient&book_id=book_id &book=book&dci_id=dci_id&cpe_id=cpe_id&subno=subno &page_display_sn=page_display_sn&page_no=page_no

  • For a dynamic link of scope CRF, RDC passes the following parameter values from the user's session to the function:

    pHeader, pScope, pUserId, pUserRole, pTestProd, pStudyId, pStudy, pSiteId, pSite, pPatientId, pPatient, pBookId, pBook, pDciId, pCpeId, pSubNo, pPageDisplaySn, pPageNo

See the Link Parameters section for a description of each parameter.