File Names for Reports

The name of the PDF output file for the Patient Data Report and the Blank Casebook Report uses the format that is specified in the local reference codelist PDR_FILE_NAMING:


where STUDY, SITE, PATIENT, and JOBID are the study name, the study site name, the patient number, and the batch job ID, respectively.

Example: pdfrun_ss002_1001_25366.pdf


If you generate a Blank Casebook Report that is not specific to a patient, the PDF file name does not include the site and patient information. In this case, the output file name has the format STUDY_JOBID.pdf. Also, the file name can have up to 70 characters. If the file name would exceed this limit, the file name has the format oJOBID.pdf. Lastly, if the study or study site names include any spaces, those spaces are replaced in the report file name with underscores (_).

The file naming rules apply for reports generated from Oracle Clinical, from RDC, or from the command line, except for CRF Reports submitted from the RDC CRF Review page or from the RDC Data Entry window.

About the File Naming Conventions

The file naming conventions follow the PDF specifications defined by the United States Food and drug Administration (FDA).

  • Use numeric and lowercase alphabetic characters.
  • Use hyphens (-) and underscores (_), as necessary.
  • Do not use spaces, punctuation, or other non-alphanumeric symbols (for example, \ / : * ? < > | " % # +).

In addition, these naming conventions comply not only with the FDA guidelines, but also with Image Solutions eCTD Express tool for publishing eSubmissions.