14 Generating Reports from the Command Line


Throughout this document you will see reference to the directory C:\opapps54. In OC RDC 5.4 implementations whereby a fresh/new Middle Tier Server is deployed, this directory is correct as stated, however for OC RDC 5.4 environments whereby the Middle Tier Server was historically part of an OC RDC 5.2.x application environment, and this Server was retained as part of the application upgrade to OC RDC 5.4, then in all scenarios this document states C:\opapps54, the alternate value C:\opapps52 should be used in its place.

In the RDC application, you can use the Reports page to define report parameters, and generate Patient Data Reports and Blank Casebook Reports. In addition, RDC includes a DOS command-line interface for generating either a Patient Data Report or a Blank Casebook Report from the command line.

Generating reports from the command line can be useful when producing electronic submissions for new drug applications (NDAs). Adding the commands to a batch file lets you generate many Patient Data Reports at once.

For more information, see: