End participation for multiple participants

You can end participation for people who never provided a daily update or did not provide one for an extended period of time.

If you need to end participation for a single participant, see End participant participation instead of this procedure.

To end participation for multiple participants:
  1. Along the top, select the Participants tab.
  2. Below the row of tabs, expand the Bulk Actions menu, and select End Participation.
  3. From the Last Participant Update drop-down menu, select Never given an update or a period of time.
    Participation ends for anyone who hasn't provided an update in the time period you select.
    For example, if you select 2 Weeks Ago, participation ends for anyone who hasn't provided a daily update in two or more weeks.
    The Recipients field lists the number of participants whose participation ends.


    To see the names of the affected participants, close the dialog box. Then select the appropriate value in the Last Status Update filter on the left.
  4. Select End Participation.
The participants' status changes to Inactive and they no longer receive any messages from Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System. But, they continue to receive messages for test results.

If you ended participation in error or a participant wants to participate again, you can resume the participation again. For more informaiton, see Resume participant participation.

To see the number and percentage of participants who are now inactive, select the Dashboard tab, open the Participant Breakdown page, and review the Status pie chart.