End participant participation

An agent for the organization's help desk can end a participant's participation. For example, if a participant passes away or just wants to stop completing daily updates, you can end the participation for that participant.

You can end participation for a SneezSafe participant, but nothing changes for the participant. SneezSafe participants do not receive any messages from Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System at any time.

If you want to pause participation or end it for multiple participants at once, see Pause a participant's participation or End participation for multiple participants.

To end participation for a participant:
  1. Along the top, select the Participants tab.
  2. In the list of participants, locate the participant who is stopping participation.


    You can find the participant by typing their name, external identifier, or email address in the filter above the list of participants.
  3. Select the participant's name.
  4. Below the participant's name, select End Participation.
  5. In the Confirm Ending Participation dialog box, provide details on why you need to end the participation:
    1. Review the information, and make sure you're ending participation for the correct participant.
    2. Below Reason, select the reason for ending participation.
    3. If you selected Deceased for the Reason, enter the Date of Death.
    4. If you selected Other for the Reason, complete the Other reason field.
    5. Select End Participation.
The participant's status changes to one of the following statuses:
  • If you selected Deceased as the Reason, the participant's status changes to Deceased. The system no longer sends messages to the participant. It also doesn't include them in the charts on the Dashboard unless you select the option to Share Data. If you select Share Data, you continue to use the data and the participant status appears Active. If you select Exclude Data for a deceased participant, you stop sharing the data and the participant status appears as Inactive.
  • If you selected any other reason, the participant's status changes to Inactive. The system no longer sends messages about the daily update to the participant. But, it does send a message if new test result comes in.
If you ended participation in error, or if a participant wants to participate again, see Resume participant participation.