Remind multiple participants to complete their daily updates

You can send reminders to all participants who haven't completed their daily updates in a while.

The reminder is in addition to the reminder that a participant receives for a daily update. To send a reminder to a single participant, see Remind a participant to complete a daily update.

To send a reminder to multiple participants to complete their daily updates:
  1. Along the top, select the Participants tab.
  2. Below the row of tabs, select Bulk Actions. Then select Send Reminder Emails from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the dialog box, select a value from the Last Participant Update drop-down list.
    For example, to send a reminder to participants who haven't completed a daily update in more than two weeks, select More than 2 Weeks Late. The Recipients field shows the number of participants who receive the reminder.


    To see the list of affected participants, select Cancel in the dialog box and apply the appropriate Last Status Update filter to the Participants page.
  4. Select Send Test Result Emails.
The system sends the reminders within a few minutes. If the participant receives emails, the system uses the email address used in the Caregiver Reminder on Demand or Participant Reminder on Demand template.