Remind a participant to complete a daily update

If a participant failed to complete a daily update for several days, weeks, or months, you can send a reminder to complete the update.

The reminder is in addition to the request that a participant receives for completing a daily update. To send a reminders to many participants at once, see Remind multiple participants to complete their daily updates.

To send a reminder to a participant to complete a daily update:

  1. Along the top, select the Participants tab.
  2. In the list of participants, locate the participant to remind.


    You can find the participant by typing their name, external identifier, or email address in the filter above the list of participants.
  3. Select the participant's name.
  4. Below the participant's name, select Send Status Update Reminder.
The system sends a reminder within a few minutes. If the participant receives emails, the system uses the email address used in the Caregiver Reminder on Demand or Participant Reminder on Demand template.