Configure the DMWServer Managed Server

Make the following changes on the DMWServer Managed Server.

Apply the JRF Template to DMWServer

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager.

  2. Select the managed server DMWServer from the left pane.

  3. Click the Apply JRF Template button at the top of the right pane.

Apply the JSF Library to the Oracle DMW Domain

In the WebLogic Server Console:

  1. Click Deployments.

  2. Under Name, select jsf(2.0,

  3. Select the Targets tab.

  4. Select the DMWServer and AdminServer check boxes if they are not already selected.

  5. Save.

Change the Connection Pool Maximum Capacity on DMWServer

In the WebLogic Server Console:

  1. Navigate to Services, then Data Sources, then lswdbDS, then the Connection Pool tab.

  2. Change the Maximum Capacity setting from 15 to the number you entered (Edit, Step 12) for the maximum number of concurrent users during peak time plus 15%.

  3. Repeat these steps for these data sources: lwsdbDS (if not done already), lswExtSysDS, and lswdbRestDS. (Do not perform this task for the lswdbBC4JDS data source.)

Clear the Listen Address

In the WebLogic Server Console:

  1. Under Settings for DMWServer, select Configuration, then General.

  2. Clear the value in the Listen Address field.

  3. Save.

Change Targets for "em" Deployment

  1. Click Deployments in Domain Structure.
  2. Click em deployment.
  3. Click the Targets tab.
  4. Click Lock & Edit.
  5. Select the em checkbox in the Targets Assignments table and click Change Targets.
  6. Clear DMWServer and click Yes. (Leave AdminServer selected.)
  7. Click Activate Changes.

Open port 47632

Port 47632 on the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub (Oracle LSH) database server must be open and the WebLogic Server must have access to it. If not done already, open port 47632 bidirectionally between:

  • Source: Oracle LSH database host or all hosts in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) setup.
  • Destination: WebLogic Server where Oracle DMW runs.