Enable E-Business Suite User Authentication

Oracle DMW uses the user authentication feature of Oracle E-Business Suite, not the Oracle WebLogic Server. To enable Oracle DMW and Oracle WebLogic Server to communicate with the E-Business Suite, you must build a desktop database connection file and fndext.jar using the Oracle E-Business Suite Software Development Kit (SDK) for Java, a library of lightweight E-Business Suite APIs. SDK is not required after this initial setup.

Prepare the Oracle Applications Server to Receive Messages from Oracle DMW

Instructions in this section are in the guide Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java, which you can find on the media pack and on My Oracle Support, ID 974949.1 at https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=455292524919907&id=974949.1&_adf.ctrl-state=1a8dpgv5nt_57.

Copy the Database Connection File

  1. Create a directory on the WebLogic Server.
  2. On the Oracle Applications Server that you installed for Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub, from $FND_SECURE copy the .dbc Oracle Applications database connection file to the directory.

Download and Install the Software Development Kit for Java

The E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java ships as patch 17269917 (p17269917_R12_GENERIC.zip) on the Oracle Health Sciences Life Sciences Warehouse media pack.

The ZIP file contains:

  • The Oracle E-Business Suite SDK for Java file, fndext.jar
  • README.txt
  • Javadoc for Oracle E-Business Suite SDK for Java
  • An Apache Ant XML file named txkEbsSdkConfig.xml
  1. Extract fndext.jar.
  2. Copy the extracted fndext.jar file and the txkEbsSdkConfig.xml file to a directory such as/home/user1/ebssdk on the WebLogic server.
  3. Copy the Javadoc to any appropriate location for convenient reference.

Register the External Node and Generate the Desktop DBC File

Follow instructions in Section 2.1.2, "Register the External Node and Generate the Desktop DBC File," in the Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java.

Create the Required User dmwebs@oracle.com

Follow instructions in Section 2.1.3, "Set Up Necessary Oracle E-Business Suite Users" in Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java to create a user named dmwebs@oracle.com user with the role UMX|APPS_SCHEMA_CONNECT.

This is the proxy user required to pass authentication messages.

Configure AppDataSource on the WebLogic Server

See Section 2.1.5, "Configuring AppsDataSource on Oracle WebLogic server (WLS)" in Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java for detailed instructions for only the following steps.

Rebuild the fndext.jar file file for Oracle WebLogic Server on UNIX/LINUX

Follow instructions for Step in Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java. Use the new .dbc file created in Register the External Node and Generate the Desktop DBC File.

Deploy AppsDataSource Code on the Oracle WebLogic Server

Follow instructions for Step in Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java.

Configure the AppsDataSource in the Administration Console

Follow instructions for Step in Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java with the following requirements specific to Oracle DMW for these data sources: lswdbBC4JDS, lswdbDS, lswExtSysDS, lswdbRestDS. See the following sections for details.

Create Data Source lswdbBC4JDS

Create data source lswdbBC4JDS as described. (For more information, see Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java.)


The .dbc file referenced in the procedure came from the file you copied in Copy the Database Connection File.

To create data source lswdbBC4JDS:

In Step 5, enter values exactly as follows:

  • Name for the datasource: lswdbBC4JDS
  • JNDI Name: jdbc/lswdbBC4JDS
  • Database Driver: Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Instance connections.

    (Note that this driver is a non-XA driver.)

  • Driver ClassName: Accept the default name.

In Step 8, enter values for your environment:

  • Database name: dmwebspr (example name)
  • Hostname: your_hostname
  • Port: 1521
  • Password: your_password

In Step 10, enter values exactly as follows:

  • Driver Class Name:

    oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver (default)

  • Database User Name:


Create data source lswdbDS, lswExtSysDS, and lswdbRestDS as described in the following topics.

Create Data Source lswdbDS

Create data source lswdbDS as described. (For more information, see Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java.)


The .dbc file referenced in the procedure came from the file you copied in Copy the Database Connection File.

To create data source lswdbDS:

In Step 5, enter values exactly as follows:

  • Name for the datasource: lswdbDS
  • JNDI Name: jdbc/lswdbDS
  • Database Driver: Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Instance connections

    (Note that this driver is a non-XA driver.)

  • Driver Class Name: oracle.apps.fnd.ext.jdbc.datasource.AppsDataSource

In Step 8, enter values for your environment:

  • Database name: dmwebspr (example name)
  • Hostname: your_hostname
  • Port: database_port_number
  • DB User Name: Enter the username your created in Create the Required User dmwebs@oracle.com
  • Password: Enter the password created for that user.

In Step 10, enter values exactly as follows:

  • Driver Class Name:


In Step 11, enter the full path of the desktop dbc file in the Properties field. For example:
  • user=dmwebs@domain.com
  • dbcFile=dbcFile=/scratch/u02/app/oracle/ebssdkwork/lsw250ug_DEN00RDG.dbc

Create data source lswExtSysDS and lswdbRestDS as described in the following topics.

Create Data Source lswExtSysDS

Create data source lswExtSystDS as described. (For more information, see Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java.)


The .dbc file referenced in the procedure came from the file you copied in Copy the Database Connection File.

To create data source lswExtSysDS:

In Step 5, enter values exactly as follows:

  • Name for the datasource: lswExtSysDS
  • JNDI Name: jdbc/lswExtSysDS
  • Database Driver: Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Instance connections

    (Note that this driver is a non-XA driver.)

  • Driver Class Name: oracle.apps.fnd.ext.jdbc.datasource.AppsDataSource

In Step 8, enter values for your environment:

  • Database name: dmwebspr (example name)
  • Hostname: your_hostname
  • Port: database_port_number
  • DB User Name: Enter the username your created in Create the Required User dmwebs@oracle.com
  • Password: Enter the password created for that user.

In Step 10, enter values exactly as follows:

  • Driver Class Name:


In Step 11, enter the full path of the desktop dbc file in the Properties field. For example:
  • user=dmwebs@domain.com
  • dbcFile=/scratch/u02/app/oracle/ebssdkwork/lsw250ug_DEN00RDG.dbc

Create data source lswdbRestDS as described in the following topic.

Create Data Source lswdbRestDS

Create data source lswdbRestDS as described. (For more information, see Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java.)


The .dbc file referenced in the procedure came from the file you copied in Copy the Database Connection File.

To create data source lswdbRestDS:

In Step 5, enter values exactly as follows:

  • Name for the datasource: lswdbRestDS
  • JNDI Name: jdbc/lswdbRestDS
  • Database Driver: Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Instance connections

    (Note that this driver is a non-XA driver.)

  • Driver Class Name: oracle.apps.fnd.ext.jdbc.datasource.AppsDataSource

In Step 8, enter values for your environment:

  • Database name: dmwebspr (example name)
  • Hostname: your_hostname
  • Port: database_port_number
  • DB User Name: Enter the username your created in Create the Required User dmwebs@oracle.com
  • Password: Enter the password created for that user.

In Step 10, enter values exactly as follows:

  • Driver Class Name:


In Step 11, enter the full path of the desktop dbc file in the Properties field. For example:
  • user=dmwebs@domain.com
  • dbcFile==/scratch/u02/app/oracle/ebssdkwork/lsw250ug_DEN00RDG.dbc

Enable CLOB Support

You must enable CLOB Support for Oracle DMW in the WebLogic Server:

  1. Navigate to Home, then Data Sources, then lswdbDS.

  2. Click the Connection Pool tab.

  3. Click Advanced.

  4. Uncheck the property Wrap Data Types.

  5. Restart the WebLogic server; see https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/12213/wls/START/toc.htm. Log files for the AdminServer and the DMWServer are located in:



  6. Repeat these steps for these data sources: lwsdbDS (if not done already), lswExtSysDS, and lswdbRestDS. (Do not perform this task for the lswdbBC4JDS data source.)

Prepare a Security Realm on the WebLogic Server

This section describes how to create users and groups in the realm and set the default realm. You can find more details in the Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java guide.

In addition to the following procedures, complete the procedures in these sections in the Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java guide (previously downloaded as described in Download and Install the Software Development Kit for Java).

Follow instructions in:
  • Section 3.3.2, "Set Up Security Realm." For the Realm Name, enter EbsRealm (Step 6).
  • Section 3.3.3, "Set Up Providers"

Then see the following sections:

Create Users and Assign Groups in the Realm

  1. Go to EbsRealm, then Users and Groups, then Users.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter each of the following users, enter a password for each one and click OK:
    1. LCMUser
    2. OracleSystemUser
    3. weblogic
  4. Assign LCMUser and weblogic to the Administrators group:
    1. Click the user name.
    2. Navigate to Groups.
    3. Assign the Administrators group.
  5. Assign OracleSystemUser to the OracleSystemGroup:
    1. Click the user name OracleSystemUser.
    2. Navigate to Groups.
    3. Assign the OracleSystemGroup group.
  6. Restart the WebLogic server; see Restart the WebLogic Server.

Set the Default Realm

Follow instructions for Step 3.3.4, "Set Default Realm" in the Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java guide. Restart the WebLogic Server as described in Restart the WebLogic Server.