Unblind and reblind data

A person with the required privileges can unblind the data in a table so that users with Read Unblind privileges can see the sensitive data, normally at the end of a study. Unblinding undoes all types of blinding and masking: whole table, whole column, or row or cell values meeting specified criteria.

A table can be reblinded after being unblinded. Both actions are audited and can be viewed.

The Unblind and Reblind actions are audited.

  1. Click the Study Configuration icon Shows gear with pencil iconfrom the navigation bar. Then click the Clinical Data Models tab.

  2. Go to the Data Models page and select the data model, then the table to unblind.

  3. Select Unblind from the Actions drop-down list.

    If the table is currently unblinded, the Reblind option appears instead.