View and edit your subscriptions to job status notifications

You can subscribe to receive email notifications about the completion status of jobs.

  1. Click Icon is a house. Home in the navigation bar and select a study from the Studies panel.


    For details on selecting a study, see Select a study from the Home page.
  2. Select Study Manager from the toolbar.
  3. In the Studies title bar, click the Image of the Subscribe/Unsubscribe Users icon Notify icon.
  4. Select the checkbox for each type of job and completion status that you want to be notified about:
    • Job types: File loads, Clinical One loads, InForm loads, Transformations, Validation Checks

    • Completion statuses: Success, Warning, Failure


      Your subscriptions for the current study appear as selected. An administrator can also subscribe or unsubscribe you from notifications.

    To stop receiving a particular type of notification, deselect its checkbox.

  5. Click OK.

To subscribe or unsubscribe to notifications for other studies, select a different study and repeat the steps in this procedure.