View data files not processed

  1. Click Study Manager in the navigation bar and select a study from the Studies panel.
  2. Click the Files Not Processed tab to open a table with uploaded files that did not load into the selected study.

    A file may not load into a study for any of these reasons:

    • It is misnamed or uses the different capitalization compared to the file specification defined for the clinical data model.

    • There is a mistake in the File Specification regular expression defined for the model.

    • There is a matching File Specification, but the end date passed.

    • There is a matching File Specification, but data loading is suspended.

    • There is a matching File Specification, but the model is not installed.

  3. View unprocessed files.

    Columns include:

    • File Name: Name of the file.
    • Path: Path to the file location.
    • Status: The possible statuses are:
      • DETECTED: The file has been detected in the watched folder but has not yet been submitted.

      • MISSING: The file was detected but deleted before the scheduled deletion or archive date.

      • DELETED: The file was deleted by File Watcher as scheduled.

      • ARCHIVED: The file was archived by File Watcher as scheduled.

    • File Type: The type of file.
    • File Modified: The modification date of the file on the file system.

    • Detection Date: The date and time the file was detected, using the date and time in the DMW database.

    • Archive Date displays the scheduled archive date before the file is archived and the actual archive date afterward.


      Archiving is not supported in this release.

    • Deletion Date displays the scheduled deletion date before the file is deleted and the actual deletion date afterward.

    • Date Missing: If the file is overwritten or removed from the file system before it is archived or deleted, then the Date Missing is store here.

    • File Error: Information about the problem.