Edit a topic workflow configuration

On the Edit Workflow Configuration page, the topic workflow configuration options determine how users can work with topics that are created using the topic workflow configuration.


Editing a topic workflow configuration that is already in use is not recommended.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  2. In the Configure System section, click Manage Topic Workflow Configurations.
  3. Click the Row Action menu (Row menu) for a configuration, and then click Edit.
  4. Update the values in the Name and Description fields as needed.
  5. To customize the topic workflow configuration, edit the fields according to the table below.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Log out and log in again to see the changes in the application.

Field descriptions—Edit Workflow Configuration page

Field Description

Allow topic to be visible to

Defines the level of cross-team interaction enabled for topics. You can choose one of the following:

  • One and only one work team—Topics can be reviewed by, and assigned to, the members of the work team selected in the Visible to work team field of a specific topic. For configurations that select this option, it may be useful to give one or more administrative users the View Topics across Work Teams user permission.
  • Zero, one or more work teams—Topics can be reviewed by, and assigned to, the members of all work teams selected in the Visible to work team field of a specific topic. Topics visible to zero work teams are accessible only to the user who created them.


For a user to view or act on topics that have been made visible to a work team, appropriate work team permissions must be assigned to that user.

Allow topic to be linked to

Defines how the topic linking feature functions. You can choose one of the following:

  • Topics in any state—Users can add a reference link from one topic to another topic regardless of workflow state.
  • Topics in final state—Users can add a reference link from one topic to another topic that is in a final state.


For a user to link two topics, both topics must be visible to the user's work team with the Edit Topics or Edit Topic Actions work team permission.

Allow addition of comments to

Select one or more of these check boxes to enable the comment feature, which allows users to add free-text comments. You can enable the comment feature for:

Comments cannot be edited or deleted after entry.


To add comments, users need the Edit Topics/Actions work team permission.

Allow sources of attachments

Select one or more of these check boxes to enable the attachment feature, which allows users to add supporting information to a topic or action. You can clear a check box to prevent attachments in that format from being added.

  • Application Data—A Save to Topic link is added to pages throughout Oracle Empirica Signal to allow the currently displayed object to be saved as an attachment to a topic or action. A site option can be set to limit the number of rows in table displays that can be saved with topics.
  • External URL—Attachments in the form of a URL can be added.
  • External document—Files, including documents, spreadsheets, and images, can be added to the topic. A site option can be set to limit the size of files saved with topics.
  • Note—Users can enter text to provide an overall description of several other attachments that are added

Attachments of the selected types can be added to a topic or to individual actions, and can be edited or deleted. Attachments to a topic appear in the Topic Attachments section of the Topic page and attachments to an action appear in the Action Attachments section of the Topic Action page.


To add attachments, users must have the Add/Edit/Delete Attachments in Open Topics/Actions or the Edit Attachments in Closed Topics/Actions work team permission.

Allow topic state closure only when all actions are completed

If checked, users can assign a final workflow state to a topic only when all of that topic's actions are in a final state.

If cleared, users can assign a final state to a topic regardless of the workflow state of that topic's actions.

Warn on action state closure if no attachments or comments are provided for action

If checked, users who assign a final workflow state to an action that does not have any associated comments or attachments receive a warning message.

If cleared, users can assign a final state to an action at any time without a warning.