Graphs for 3D results

For three-dimensional results (for example, Drug+Drug+Event), the available graph types are described in the following table. These graph types are available for MGPS runs only.

Graph Description

Hierarchy graph

Columns of colored cells, where the rows represent 2-way and 3-way combinations. This graph is suitable for studying multiple-item combinations such as drug interactions or syndromes.

The hierarchy graph uses INTSS values. The independence model hierarchy graph, which uses EBGMDIF_IND values, is for compatibility with releases prior to WebVDME 5.0.

Link name: Hierarchy Graph showing Interaction . . .

Overlap graph

A table of colored cells, where the rows represent 2-way and 3-way combinations. Same content as hierarchy graph, but formatted differently.

The overlap graph uses INTSS values. The independence model overlap graph, which uses EBGMDIF_IND values, is for compatibility with releases prior to WebVDME 5.0.

Link name: Overlap Graph showing Interaction . . .

Nested confidence interval graph

Sets of confidence intervals. In each set, the first confidence interval is for the 3D combination for the specified pattern. Subsequent confidence intervals in the set are for 2D combinations. Uses INTSS values.

Link name: Nested Confidence Interval Graph showing Interaction . . .