Maintain signal views

A signal view specifies the following for the Product-Event Combinations table:

  • Which columns are included, and in what order.
  • The sort order of columns.
  • The SQL WHERE clause that selects product-event combinations (shown on the Rename Signal View page).

Typically, an organization has predefined standard views. Additional views can be added by the user by the Save a product-event combinations as a new view option.

Users with Manage Signal Views permission are able to open Manage Signal Views page. They can organize, publish, rename, and delete views created by the user, views created by other users in their login group, as well as views published to their login group.

Users without Manage Signal Views permission are able to open Manage Signal Views page. They can rename and delete views that they created.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Signal Review icon (Signal Review icon).
  2. From the Manage Reference Data menu (Manage Refeence Data menu), on the top right, click Manage Views.

    The Manage Signal Views page appears and provides the following information about each signal view that you created. If you have the Manage Signal Views permission, the page also lists views created by other users in your login group, as well as views published to you.

    Column Description


    Name of the signal view.


    If the signal configuration has the review period feature set up, each view name should include the length of the review period, such as New Cases (3 months) and New Cases (6 months).


    Description of the signal view.


    The grouping for the view, such as Product Alerts or Supplemental. The category defines the view's location in the Add tab menu on the Product-Event Combinations page.

    View categories are customized for the requirements of each organization.


    Date and time when the signal view was last modified.

    Created By

    Name of the user who created the signal view.

    Created On

    Date and time when the signal view was created.

    Review Period

    The period of time for data in the view, such as the last 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year. Appears if the signal configuration has the review period feature set up.

  3. To organize signal views; that is, to specify how they will appear in the Add tab menu on the Product-Event Combinations page:
    1. From the Manage Reference Data menu (Manage Refeence Data menu , on the top right, click Manage Views.
    2. Click Organize Views. (This option is available only if you have the Manage Signal Views permission.)
Rename, publish, or delete a view

If you click the Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) for a signal view, you can do the following:

  • To rename a view, click Rename.
  • To publish a view, click Publish, select the login group(s), then click Back.


    This option is available only if you have the Manage Signal Views permission.

    Prior to publication, signal views are visible only to their creators and to superusers. If you are a superuser, you can publish to multiple login groups, including —All–. In the Publish to Login Groups drop-down list, click or Ctrl+click to select login groups. If you publish to —All– and later add a new login group, the object is published automatically to the new login group.

  • To delete a view, click Delete and then click OK.

For information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way data displays in the table, see About tables.