Report graph types

When displaying a report or report output, you have the option to view a graphical representation of the report data. On the Display Report or the Display Output page, when you click Choose Graph, the Choose Graph page appears. Different graphs are available depending on the types of columns in the report, as follows:

Graph Type Report Variables

Aggregate bar graph

All column variables or all column variables except one are numeric. A variable with Variable Type Report ID does not need to be in the report.

Link name: Bar graph (where rows are aggregate values).

Detail bar graph

The row variable in the report is a variable with Variable Type Report ID.

Link name: Bar graph (where rows are detail records).

Box plot

The row variable in the report is a variable with Variable Type Report ID. At least one column variable is numeric.

Link name: Box plot (where rows are detail records).

Scatter Plot

The row variable in the report is a variable with Variable Type Report ID. At least two column variables are numeric.

Link name: Scatter plot (where rows are detail records).


A numeric variable is one for which source data is numeric or a numeric value such as count or percentage is specified as content detail.

The graph key and color palette that you set for graphs based on data mining results does not affect the report graphs. The report graphs appear in color unless you choose the display option, Use gray-scale instead of colors.