View a detail bar graph

For an overview of detail bar graphs, see About detail bar graphs.

  1. In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon (Data Analysis icon), then click Report Outputs.
  2. Select the Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) for a report output, and click View.
  3. On the Display Output page, click Choose Graph.

    Only those graph types that are appropriate for the report data appear.

  4. Select Bar graph (where rows are detail records).
  5. From the Subset Variable (for multiple graphs) drop-down list, select a subset variable. There creates one graph for each value of the selected variable.
  6. From the Primary Variable (bar groups) drop-down list, select a primary variable to appear on the x-axis.
  7. From the Secondary Variable (bars within groups) drop-down list, select a secondary variable (optional). Each bar in the graph represents a value of the secondary variable, as identified by the color key below the graph.
  8. Specify the following display options:
    Option Description Notes

    Labels X and Y

    Label the x-axis and y-axis to clarify what is represented by the axes.


    Show counts at the ends of bars

    Show case counts at the end of bars in the graph.


    Use gray-scale instead of colors

    Use shades of gray instead of colors in the graph.



    Display each graph in an individual window. If you have popup blocking software installed on your browser, it may prevent these windows from opening. You may want to disable your popup blocking software. For details, see Graph display options.

  9. Click Display.

    Oracle Empirica Signal creates the graph using the specified display options. These options apply only to this graph.

  10. To see the exact values represented by a bar in the graph, point to the bar.

If you click a bar, you can drill down to cases for the bar. If you are displaying multiple graphs on the same page, do not click any graph until all the graphs appear.

For information about copying, printing, or saving a graph as an attachment to a topic, see Work with report graphs.