Work with chart options

Click an option at the bottom of a chart to perform the following actions:

  • To redraw the chart as a table, bar graph, or pie chart, click Options. From the Chart Options dialog box, select the chart type and click OK.
  • To display the notes about the chart below the chart, click +Notes. To hide the notes, click -Notes.
  • To display a key below the chart, click +Key. To hide the key, click -Key.
  • To print a chart, click Print. A preview of the printed chart appears in the Drug Profile dialog box and the Internet Explorer Print dialog box opens for you to select print options and click Print.


    If you want to print all charts in the layout, from the Layout, click Print.
  • To copy a chart, click Copy. Open the document to which you want to add the chart and use that application's Paste function.


    This is available only in Internet Explorer.
  • To determine the default color used for graphs. set the user preferences, Graph Color Palette. You can modify the graph key for your current session on the Choose Graph page for data mining run results.
  • To resize the chart, click the diagonal lines in the lower right corner and drag the right and bottom borders to the desired size.