Edit an action type

You can edit the general information about an action type.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  2. In the Configure System section, click Manage Topic Workflow Configurations.
  3. Click the configuration's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon), and then click Edit.
  4. On the Edit Topic Workflow Configuration page, click the Action Types card.
  5. Click the action type's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon), and then click Edit.
  6. Modify the fields in the Action Type General Information section.

    You cannot change the status of the action type. To do this, select Activate or Deactivate from the action type's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon).

  7. Click Save.
    The changes you made in the Action Type General Information section appear as a new row in table in the History of Action Type General Information section.