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Visits: Visit Counts by Property

Visits: Visit Counts by Property report elements return totals of different types of visits.

Note: These visit counts are totals of all subject visits, regardless of visit type. To report on clinical visits only, use the Clinical Visits filter in the Predefined Filters folder.

Visits: Visit Counts by Property report elements

Report element


Scheduled Visit

Data type: Numeric

Description: The number of scheduled subject visits, regardless of visit type.

How calculated: This calculation includes:

  • All scheduled visits.
  • All started dynamic visits.
  • All started unscheduled visits.

Data source: Derived and stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

Repeating Visit

Data type: Numeric

Description: The number of started repeating (unscheduled) visits.

How calculated: A visit is counted if it is repeating (unscheduled) and has been started.

Data source: Derived and stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.


Data type: Numeric

Description: The number of started dynamic visits.

How calculated: A visit is counted if it is dynamic and has been started.

Data source: Derived and stored in the Reporting and Analysis database.

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