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Form report elements return identifying information about forms.

Form report elements

Report element


Form Mnemonic

Data type: String

Description: A short name or abbreviation for the form, as specified in the study design code. This name appears in the Visit ruler and along the left side of certain pages for use with the form selectors, and is used to access a specific form in the InForm application.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

Form Name

Data type: String

Description: The complete name that identifies the form in the InForm application.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

SV Selected

Data type: Y/N

Description: Indicates whether the form is selected for source verification.

  • Y—The form is selected for source verification.
  • N—The form is not selected for source verification.

    A form has been selected for source verification if one of the following is true:

  • The form contains one or more critical items.
  • The form is on the Critical Forms list.
  • The subject with which the form is associated is in the SV Pool.
  • The subject with which the form is associated is not in the SV Pool, but an item on the form is marked critical for that subject.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

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