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CRF Signature Status Report

This report shows the signature status of forms that require signatures.

Column descriptions

Column descriptions




Data type: String

Description: The country in which a site is located, as entered in the InForm Administration interface.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

Site Mnemonic

Data type: String

Description: An abbreviation that identifies the site associated with the form, as entered in the InForm Administration interface.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

Subject Number

Data type: String

Description: Number that identifies the subject associated with the form. This number may be changed after the subject is enrolled, if the study is configured to require a unique subject ID for a study or site.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

Visit Mnemonic

Data type: String

Description: Abbreviation of the visit title for the visit the form was filled out in, as specified in study design code. For CRF visits, this name appears at the top of a collection of forms in the visit timeline. The visit mnemonic may not be a unique identifier.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.


Data type: Date/Time

Description: The date that is recorded in a standard Date of Visit control in the InForm application.

Data type: Clinical

Note: This report element assumes that your study was developed using a specific design for the DOV controls.


  • DateTimeControl—BD991BC0-B0A4-11D2-80E3-00A0C9AF7674
  • Item—BD991BBF-B0A4-11D2-80E3-00A0C9AF7674


Form Mnemonic

Data type: String

Description: Short name or abbreviation for the form, as specified in the study design code. This name appears on the Visit Navigation tab and is used to access a specific form in the InForm application.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

Form Index

Data type: String

Description: For repeating forms, a numeric ordinal value that identifies the instance of the form. For non-repeating forms, the value is 1.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.


Data type: String

Description: The Signature Type for the given report row:

  • CRF (Form Level Signature)
  • CRB (Book Level Signature)

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.


Data type: String

Description: The following information about the signature status of the form.

  • Group Name—Name of the signature group the signer belongs to.
  • Signed Date—Date the form was signed.
  • Signed By—User who signed the form.

Data source: Replicated from the InForm transactional database to the Reporting and Analysis database.

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