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Admin tab

Admin Admin tab (main menu) controls functions for testing and supporting IRT, managing InForm integrations, and setting up custom menu items.


Tasks performed

View AppBlock Logs

View a list of AppBlock logs to diagnose problems with AppBlock transactions.

View Diagnostic Logs

View the log of the background services and applications that support IRT.

Notification Subscriptions

Subscribe notification types to both IRT users and non-users.

Manage InForm Setup

Select whether or not InForm is ready to receive data from IRT.

Study Configuration Variables

View or edit study configurations settings at runtime. The information on this page is configurable, and provides basic descriptions of the values.

Verify Configuration

Verify that your system is properly configured and in working order.

Run Scheduled Task

Manually run a task that is typically configured to be run on a schedule.

Audit History View

View the record of changes to the IRT database.

Manage Custom Menu Items

Create menu sections and items that appear in the Home menu.

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