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Viewing completed requests

You can view a history of completed requests that have been assigned to you as either a first-level or second-level approver. For more information, see People involved in subject approvals, The approvals process and Levels of approval.

  1. Click Approvals (Approve tab (main menu)).
  2. On the left, click Subject Approvals.

    For descriptions of the fields on this page, see Subject Approvals page.

  3. Select Show Completed Requests.

    At the top of the page, a list of approvals you have already acted upon appears.

    You can filter the list of approvals to make it easier to view the requests that interest you. For example, you might sort by Status to group approvals by first-level and second-level approvals. Or you could sort by Need by Date to see the approvals that should be reviewed soon.

  4. Select a request to see Details of the request.
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