Call the Create Technology Type API

To create an Technology Type, call the public API CDR_PUB_ATK_ADAPTER.POPULATETECHTYPES.

Its signature is:

PROCEDURE populateTechTypes (
p_api_version IN NUMBER
,p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 default CDR_PUB_DEF_CONSTANTS.G_FALSE
,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
,x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
, pio_techTypeRow IN OUT NOCOPY cdr_tech_types%rowtype

param pio_techTypeRow is a mandatory parameter of row type cdr_tech_types table that contains object attributes. Enter values as follows:

  • tech_type_id. Contact Oracle Support to get a 12-digit ID for your technology type that is unique across all adapters developed for use with Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub.


    Make a note of the number you enter; you will need it when you create an Adapter Area.
  • tech_name_rc. Enter a name for the new technology type you are creating. You must add the name to the CDR_TECH_TYPES lookup (see Adding Lookup Values).
  • tech version. Enter the correct version of the external system.
  • service_type_rc. The service type required for this technology type. You must add this service type value to the CDR_SERVICE_TYPES lookup (see Adding Lookup Values).
  • build_ide_cfg_function. (Visualization and Program adapters only.) Enter the name of your Pre-installation function, if any; see Build_IDE_Cfg_Function.


    For this function name and the others below, do not include the schema name. Enter only package_name.procedure_or_function_name
  • owb_operator. Enter the Oracle LSH operator that it should use for this adapter:
    • If the external system is located on the database, enter: CdrPLSQLImmediate_1 These adapters use PL/SQL to execute their defined objects.
    • If the external system is located on an operating system, enter: CdrSERVICE_1. These adapters use the Distributed Processing (DP) Server to execute their defined objects; see the chapter on setting up services in the Oracle LSH System Administrator's Guide for more information.
    • If your adapter is for an IDE, enter: CdrService
  • program_type_rc. Enter the type of defined object created using this adapter: $PROGRAMTYPES$LOADSET, $PROGRAMTYPES$DATA_MART, $PROGRAMTYPES$PROGRAMor $PROGRAMTYPES$BUSAREA.
  • pre_install_function. Enter the name of your Pre-installation function, if any; see Pre_Install_Function.
  • install_function. Enter the name of your Installation function, if any; see Install_Function.
  • post_install_function. Enter the name of your Postinstallation function, if any; see Post_Install_Function.
  • pre_execution_function. Enter the name of your Pre-execution function, if any; see Pre_Execution_Function.
  • execution_function. Enter the name of your Execution function, if any; see Execution_Function.
  • post_execution_function. Enter the name of your Postexecution function, if any; see Post_Execution_Function.


    If any of these functions returns an error the job returns an error. If any of these programs returns a warning then the job returns a warning unless another part of the job generated an error.