Creating Subdirectories on IDE Computers

For adapters that produce outputs you must create subdirectories on the Definer's PC to hold IDE job outputs (for example, any outputs that are defined as Planned Outputs of Programs) or any other files, such as error or log files.

Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub creates a directory structure on the Definer's PC that uses the organizational structure defined for the Program or Business Area in Oracle LSH. By default the location is: %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\CDR\cdrwork\user_name\Domain(s)\Application_Area\Work_Area\launched_object_name\version. Oracle LSH creates the subdirectory you specify inside the version directory.

In the Build_IDE_Cfg_Function specify one or more subdirectory names in the col_sub_dirs attribute of the parameter po_LaunchData.

From the Install Guide: On each Definer's personal computer, load the CD-ROM that contains the unzipped files. InstallShield automatically runs setup.exe, which loads cdrconfig.xml and cdrclient.exe to a location the Definer specifies on his or her local computer. The default location is ProgramFilesDir\oracle\cdr where ProgramFilesDir is the registry entry for the value name ProgramFilesDir. If the specified location does not exist, the InstallShield creates it.

In addition, it sets the location for the CDR Work directory. By default this location is %USERPROFILE%/Application Data/CDR. Oracle recommends using this setting if you are installing the client IDE on a server for access by multiple users. It creates a separate work space for each user so they do not overwrite each other's files.