Adding Terms to Levels

All terms in levels below the top level must be related to a term in the next higher level.

You must begin by defining at least one term in the highest level. You can then add terms related to that term (child terms) in the second level, and then define child terms for those terms in the third level, and so on.


You can add terms only to active hierarchies. See Activating the Hierarchy and Making it Usable or Unusable.

To add terms to classification hierarchy levels, go to the Terms subtab of the Classifications tab and do the following:

  1. Navigate to the hierarchy for which you want to define values.
    • If the hierarchy already has terms, you can expand its node (+) to see them. Add a term by clicking the pencil icon in the Maintain Terms column for the parent term (the term in the next higher level that is related to the term you are adding).If you are adding a term in the highest level, click the Maintain Terms icon for the hierarchy itself.
    • If the hierarchy does not contain any terms, you must begin by creating a term in the highest level by clicking the pencil icon in the Maintain Terms column for the hierarchy.
  2. If there are no blank rows, click Add 5 Hierarchy Terms. Five empty rows appear.
  3. Enter values in the following fields for each new term:
    • Name. Enter the term itself as you want it to appear in the user interface for classifying objects. The name must conform to the length and uniqueness rules defined for its hierarchy level.
    • Approved. Select Approved to activate the Term. Only approved terms can be used as default classifications for object subtypes and for object classifications.

      You can select the Approved flag at any time. You can clear (disapprove) a term only if the term has not been used and does not have any approved child terms.

      For example, if Project Wonderdrug is related to Study01, and Study01's Approval flag is selected, you cannot clear the Approval flag for Project Wonderdrug.

  4. Click Apply to save your work. The Hierarchy Terms screen appears.