Modifying Hierarchies and Terms

To modify a Classification Hierarchy, click Update in the Maintain Hierarchy Screen.

Click Apply after making changes.

You can modify attributes as follows:

  • Name. You can modify the name of the hierarchy. The system automatically updates the hierarchy name everywhere it appears in the user interface, including the classification screen for all objects classified to the hierarchy
  • Description. You can modify the description.
  • Keyword Hierarchy. You cannot modify the Keyword Hierarchy attribute.
  • Active. You can change a hierarchy's Active setting from No to Yes at any time. However, once set to Yes, you can never set it back to No.
  • Usable. When you set Active to Yes, the system automatically changes the hierarchy's Usable setting to Yes. You can change it back to No only if the hierarchy has not been assigned to any object subtype. A hierarchy is available for use only when its Usable autoboot is set to Yes.

This section contains the following topics: