Import Log File Content

The import log file contains any errors that the system encounters while creating objects in the target Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub instance and many other details on objects, locations and connections (for example, results of running install scripts).

The import log file contains:

  • Errors that the system encounters while creating objects in the target Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub instance.
  • Object name, object type, version number, and container details of:
    • All objects that the import script could successfully create or upgrade during the import
    • All object instances that the import script did not upgrade because the instance objects referenced object definition not contained in the imported Domain. The Import Export Utility allows preservation of user customizations through this feature. See Preserving Customizations.
  • Remote Locations and Connections that do not exist in the target instance but are referenced by one or more Load Sets in the imported Domain. Such Load Sets may not be installable until you create the Remote Locations and Remote Connections in the target instance.
  • Objects that were installable in the source instance but are noninstallable in the target Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub instance.
  • Table instances that were upgradable in the source instance but are nonupgradable in the target Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub instance.
  • If you ran the install script, the import log lists details of all objects successfully installed and errors and warnings, if any. In addition, the following details are logged for an install:
    • Status of all Work Areas imported.
    • Submission ID, job ID, and the Execution Setup location and version number for all backchain submissions created.