Adding, Removing, or Moving a Snapshot Label

To add, remove, or move a snapshot label, do the following:

  1. The most current snapshots available are displayed by default. If you want to work on older snapshots, enter a query; see Querying for Snapshots.

  2. Specify the label to want to add, remove, or move. Either enter it in the Snapshot Label field or, if the label you want to add or remove has already been used in this Work Area, do the following:

    • Click the Search icon for the Snapshot Label field. The system opens a Search pop-up window.

    • Enter the label you are looking for, or use special characters if you do not know the exact label. Special characters are explained in the "Searching" chapter of the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub User's Guide.

    • Click Go. The system returns all the labels that fit the criteria.

    • Click the Quick Select icon for the label you want.

    • The system returns to the Manage Snapshot Label screen with the label you selected in the Snapshot Label field.

  3. Click the Select checkbox to select the snapshots to which you want to add, or from which you want to remove, the label.

  4. Click one of the following:

    • Add Snapshot Label. The system adds the label you specify to the snapshot(s) you specify.

    • Remove Snapshot Label. The system removes the label from the snapshot(s) you specify.

    • Add/Move Snapshot Label. For each Table instance you specify, if the label you specify is currently applied to any snapshot, the system removes the label from that snapshot and moves it to the snapshot you specify.