Table Instance Information Displayed

The system displays the following information for each snapshot that satisfies the search criteria you specified in the upper portion of the screen:

  • Table. The name of the Table instance of which this is a snapshot.

  • Blinding Status.

    • If Blinded, the action you are about to take affects the blinded partition of a Table instance that contains blinded or unblinded data.

    • If Dummy, the action you are about to take affects the dummy partition of a Table instance that contains blinded or unblinded data.

    • If Not Applicable, the Table instance does not contain blinded or unblinded data.

  • Writing Instance Type. The object type that writes data to this Table instance: either a Load Set instance or a Program instance.

  • Writing Instance Name. The name of the Writing Instance.

  • Job ID. The unique ID of the job that wrote the data to the Table instance at the time in the Refresh TS column.

  • Snapshot Label. The snapshot label or labels currently applied to the Table instance snapshot.

  • Source Currency Information. Currency (timestamp) of the Table instances or external tables or views that the Writing Instance (Program or Load Set) read from when writing to the Table instance snapshot. If the Writing Instance is a Load Set, source timestamp comes from the Load Set execution time for all Load Set types except Oracle Clinical Load Sets; Oracle Clinical type Load Sets get source timestamp from the Oracle Clinical system.

  • Refresh TS. The timestamp that defines the snapshot of the Table instance.