Load Set Instance Report

The Load Set Instance report includes all the definitional information pertaining to the instance, including information about the underlying Load Set definition.

The Load Set Instance report contains the same information available in the Load Set instance's Properties screen and its subtabs. It has four sections.

  • Header—See Header Information for Object Instances for details on the header section.

  • Attributes—The second section displays a table with values of the attributes Database Schema, Study Name, View Type, Design Sub-System, and Yes or No settings for Save to File/Save Input File?.

  • Child Objects— Similar to the Load Set report, the third section displays tables with information about Table Descriptors and Parameters. See Load Set Report for details on Child Objects.

  • Mapping Information—Similar to the Data Mart Instance report, the last section presents mapping information for the Load Set instance in two subsections. See Data Mart Instance Report for details.

To generate a Load Set Instance report, navigate to the Load Set Instance's Properties screen. Select Definition Report from the list of reports available for object instances while following instructions in Running and Saving System Reports.