About Load Set Planned Outputs

Oracle LSH automatically creates the following Planned Outputs for Load Sets:

  • Log File. Oracle LSH creates a log file Planned Output for all types of Load Sets. It is the only Planned Output for Load Sets of Oracle Tables and Views and OC adapters.

  • Error File. Oracle LSH creates an error file Planned Output for SAS and Text Load Sets and saves each rejected row into this error file. The generation of the error file does not indicate a job failure. A SAS or Text Load Set job fails when the number of rejected records exceeds the value of the Maximum Allowed Errors parameter.

  • Input data file. For SAS and Text Load Sets, if you set the Save Input File attribute to Yes, the system automatically creates a Planned Output and saves the input file as an actual output at runtime. If you classify this Planned Output, the system classifies the saved input file as an output with the classification you specified.

  • Control File. Oracle LSH creates this Planned Output for Text and SAS Load Sets. This Planned Output is always generated for Text Load Set jobs. For SAS Load Sets, the system generates it only for bulk loads (when you set the parameter Direct to Yes). This Planned Output stores the SQL*Loader control file.

  • Textload.zip. Oracle LSH creates this Planned Output if you set the Save as Input attribute to Yes while uploading a zipped Load Set file. This is applicable only to Text Load sets.

You can classify a Planned Output in order to classify the actual output when it is generated; see Classifying Outputs for further information.

To view the log file or saved input file for a Load Set job, do one of the following:

  • Use the Search or Advanced Search feature.

  • Browse for the log file in the Outputs subtab of the Reports tab.