About Message-Triggered Submission

It is possible to trigger jobs in Oracle LSH by sending an XML message from an external system. For example, if you load patient data into Oracle LSH from Oracle Clinical, you may want to wait until batch validation completes successfully before loading the updated data into Oracle LSH.

Oracle LSH listens at its Event Queue (an Oracle Streams Advanced Queue) for incoming messages. When a message arrives, the system parses the message and triggers the execution of the job.

The message must use a specific XML schema (see Example 12-1). The system checks the validity of the schema structure and all its supplied values. If anything is invalid, the system does not execute the job.

The system sends an email notification to the submitting user of success, failure, warning or error, if the XML message so specifies.

A message cannot exceed a total of 4000 characters. Messages are never deleted from the Event Queue.

For information about creating an Execution Setup to be triggered upon receipt of an XML message, see Creating, Modifying, and Submitting Execution Setups.