Setup Required

To set up message-triggered submission you must do the following:

  • Execution Setup. Create an Execution Setup for the Load Set (or other executable) that accepts the Triggered submission type (see Creating, Modifying, and Submitting Execution Setups) as well as the Immediate and Deferred submission types.

  • Oracle LSH User Account. Create a user account in Oracle LSH for the external system user who will create the database link from the remote location. If you want the external system user to receive email notifications, set it up in the user account; see "Creating User Accounts" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide for information.

    If the application that triggers the submission is part of the Oracle E-Business Suite, it is not necessary to create another user account.

  • Oracle LSH Database Account. If the external system's database is separate from Oracle LSH, create a database account in Oracle LSH for the user account; see "Creating Database Accounts" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide for information.

  • Grant Execute on the API Security Package cdr_pub_api_initialization to the user with the LSH database account.

  • Database Link. In the remote database, use the Oracle LSH database account user ID and password to create a database link to the Oracle LSH database.

  • XML Message. Send an XML message from the external system using the required XML schema; see Example 12-1. In the XML message, the user ID you specify must be the same as the user ID used to create the database link.

    An Oracle LSH API package called cdr_pub_exe_msg_api with the procedure Submit Message is available for use in enqueuing messages; see the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Programming Interface Guide.

    For information about enqueuing messages, see the Oracle® Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide at