Modifying a Workflow Execution Setup

This section contains information on the following sections of the screen:

Instances: This tab displays information as follows:

  • Workflows. You see all executable objects contained in the Workflow. Click any object's hyperlink to set its runtime Parameters.

The Instances subtab displays the following information:

  • Full Title. For Workflows, this column displays the name of each executable object contained in the Workflow.
  • Ready. If a checkmark in a green circle (the Ready icon) is displayed, all required Parameters associated with the object on that line have a value. For Parameters with a static list of values, the system checks if the value is valid.

    If an X in a red circle (the Not Ready icon) is displayed, at least one Parameter does not have a value, or has an invalid value.

    In the submission screen you can use the Refresh button to recalculate the status of all the Ready? flags at the same time, to verify that all interdependent values are valid.

  • Validation Status of the object on that line.

System Parameters: The system displays the current values for the Execution Setup's System Parameters; see System Parameters for information about each Parameter.