About Workflow Execution Setups

Workflows have complex structures and contain other executable objects, so their Execution Setups are more complex than other objects'.

Concurrent Editing: Many people can work on a Workflow Execution Setup at the same time. However, only one person can work on a particular object or Parameter Set at a time.

Upgrading Execution Setup Structure and Parameters: The structure and Parameters of the Workflow definition and the Execution Setup must remain synchronized. The system performs an automatic upgrade of the whole Execution Setup—synchronizing it with both the structure and the Parameters of the Workflow—when the Workflow is installed. In addition, when a Program instance in a Workflow is installed, the system upgrades the Workflow's Execution Setup to synchronize with the Program's Parameters.

You can trigger synchronization manually at any time by selecting Upgrade Execution Setup from the Actions drop-down list in the Execution Setup screen.

Execution Setup Versioning: When a Workflow is installed or submitted, the system implicitly checks in any of its Execution Setups that are not already checked in. When any user modifies any section of the Execution Setup, the system implicitly checks out the Execution Setup and gives it a new version number.

The system also checks in the Workflow and all its Execution Setups when the it is copied.

Whenever the system performs an implicit checkin, if other people are working on any part of the Execution Setup, the system immediately checks it out again so that they can continue their work.