SAS Load Set Planned Outputs

Oracle LSH automatically creates the following Planned Outputs for SAS Load Sets:

  • SAS Loading Log File. Oracle LSH writes the job log into this Planned Output for all jobs except bulk loading jobs. Bulk loading jobs write data from SAS data sets into Transactional High Throughput Table instances.

  • SAS Loading Input Data File. If you set the Save Input File attribute to Yes, the system uses that Planned Output as a placeholder for the input file saved as an output during execution. If you set Save Input File to No, the system still creates the Planned Output but does not create the actual output when you run the Load Set.

    You can classify the Planned Output and view the actual output through the Oracle LSH Outputs user interface, subject to normal Oracle LSH security rules. To view the contents of the file, you must download it and view it through SAS.

  • SAS Bulk Loading Error File. If you set the parameter Direct to Yes, and if the data loading job encounters one or more invalid records, the system generates this file and writes each rejected record into it. For SAS CPORT and XPORT files, Oracle LSH consolidates the error files that SQL*Loader generates for each data set.

  • SQL*Loader Log File. If you set the parameter Direct to Yes, SQL*Loader generates this log file for each data set when writing to a Table instance and stores in this Planned Output. For SAS CPORT and XPORT files, Oracle LSH consolidates the log files that SQL*Loader generates for each data set.

  • SQL*Loader Control File. If you set the parameter Direct to Yes, SAS generates the SQL*Loader control file for each data set when you run the Oracle LSH Load Set job. The system stores the control file in this Planned Output. If you use CPORT or XPORT, Oracle LSH consolidates all the control files into this Planned Output.