SAS Load Set Parameters

SAS Load Sets have the following runtime Parameters:


These are predefined, required, runtime Parameters and you should not change any of their properties, or the Load Set may not function properly.

These Parameters take meaningful values only at the time of submitting the Load Set's Execution Setup.

  • BLOB ID (Temporary). This Parameter is for internal use only. It contains a pointer to the uploaded file.

  • Dataset File Name. Do not select a file while defining the Load Set. Oracle LSH uploads the file when you submit the Load Set's Execution Setup. If you upload the file during Load Set definition, the data will probably be outdated at the time the Load Set is executed. Therefore, leave this field blank. The user must enter the filename at runtime if Load From Server OS is set to No else the user has to enter the Server OS filename.

  • Load from Server OS. You have the option to load a data set file from your local computer or from a remote system. Set this parameter to Yes (default is No) if your file is either on the Oracle LSH DP server or on another computer that has its drives NFS-mounted on the DP server computer. If you set this parameter to No, you must upload a data set file from your local computer at the time of submitting the SAS Load Set job.


    The system can load remote SAS data set files only from an Oracle LSH DP Server that is running the SAS and the SQL*Loader services. In addition, the SAS Service Location must point to the SQL*Loader executable. Provide the absolute path of the SQL*Loader executable in the Details field of the SAS Service. See the chapter on Setting Up Services in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide for more information.

  • Server OS Filename. If you set Load From Server OS to Yes, enter the absolute path of the remote data set file at the time of submitting the Load Set's Execution Setup else leave this parameter blank.

  • Maximum Allowed Errors. Tolerance factor; the maximum number of invalid records you are willing to accept before SQL*Loader stops the loading process and marks the Load Set job as failed. The default value of this parameter is 0.


    If you are uploading a SAS CPORT or XPORT file, note that the value you enter here applies to each data set contained within the CPORT or XPORT file.

  • Direct. If set to Yes (default is No), the system uses the direct path INSERT to load data from the SAS dataset file into the Oracle LSH target Table instance.


    When writing to multiple Table instances, if all the Table instances are not of the Transactional High Throughput processing type, the system uses the direct path INSERT for the Transactional High Throughput processing type Tables and the conventional INSERT for Tables of other data processing types. The Load Set job completes with warnings and writes warning messages to the job log.

  • Drop and Recreate Indexes. If set to Yes (default), and if the value of the parameter Direct is Yes, the system drops all non-unique indexes before running a data-loading job and recreates the non-unique indexes after loading data into the target Tables. The system does not drop indexes if Direct is set to No.


See Oracle® Database Utilities at for more information on SQL*Loader parameters at: