SAS Load Set Table Descriptors

If you are using a transport file as a source, you can load more than one data set with a single Load Set, but you cannot load a zipped file. If you are using a data set file as a source, you can load only that one data set but you can load it as a zipped file.


If you are loading a data set, and the table descriptor associated with its table definition uses a Sort Constraint, to preserve the sort order, make sure that the data set is not empty.

Oracle LSH automatically creates one Table Descriptor for each data set in the file you specify. If you specify a transport file with data sets that have indexes defined, Oracle LSH creates corresponding indexes in the Table definition as well.

To create Table Descriptors for a SAS Load Set, do the following:

  1. In the Table Descriptors subtab of the Load Set, click Add. The system opens the Create Table Descriptors screen.
  2. Select Create New Table Definition(s) and Descriptor(s) from a SAS file. The system refreshes the screen and adds a field with a Browse button.
  3. Click Browse. The system opens a standard Browse window.
  4. Navigate to the SAS file you want, select it, and click Open. The system returns to the Create Table Descriptors screen and enters the name of the file you selected in the Import From File field.
  5. Click Apply. The system creates one Table Descriptor for each data set in the file you specify.


To create a SAS Load Set definition, Oracle LSH loads the file you specify with all its data. The more data the data set contains, the longer it takes to create the Load Set and the more resources are consumed. Therefore, copy the structure of the data set in SAS and use the empty copy to create the Table Descriptors.

You can use the Create Table Instances from Existing Table Descriptors job from the Actions drop-down list to create and map all the Table instances you need. Alternatively, you can create instances of any compatible Table definitions and map them.